Saturday, March 14, 2009

Victoria Clubber's: A Rant

I have been spending a lot of time in Victoria recently. I enjoy it here. The people are nice. Like really nice. Let me paint a picture for you of just how nice they really are.

-Almost every person says thank-you when they get off the bus
-People will stop at green lights to let you cross the street

So why is it that as soon as you throw these very nice people into a club, they suddenly become very rude and completely un-aware of personal space.

I have never been stepped on, kicked, bumped into, danced on, shoved and generally had my bubble violated like i have in a Victoria bar.

And im not the only one who feel's this way. I was talking to a few friends last night that have lived in many different city's and they also felt that Victoria clubbers were extra pushy and have a tendancy to bump into people with out even noticing it.

So what is it that happen's to these nice Island Folk that makes them so un aware of their current surroundings and send's them into all out flail once they hit the club floor?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

vinyl art

vinyl art 001
Originally uploaded by lady_cherry831
I have started to make use of some old records by turning them into funky art. These bowls are the first of many vinyl related pieces.

My intent is to start selling my works of decorative art.

These bowls are great for centre pieces, planters, change, keys. They can be filled with things like marbles, stones, sand, candles (just careful not to melt the vinyl)

Please let me know if you just must have one.
Prices range from $15-$25 (some are harder to make then others)

Monday, January 19, 2009