Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Stumble Upon
So i have become very adicted to the Stumble button, and tonight i discovered the Stumble video button... So here are some of my Fav's of the evening.
I even got given full videos
I even got given full videos
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Getting helped.
Group yesterday was good. Emotional but good.
Im pretty excited for Halloween tomorrow. For more then one reason.
Cleaned my house last night. Did some minor rearranging.
The only thing left to be cleaned is the thing that needs it the most..... My kitchen. I am currently avoiding it like the plague...... In fact i wouldn't be surprised if there was some plague in there. My god is it gross.
Im pretty excited for Halloween tomorrow. For more then one reason.
Cleaned my house last night. Did some minor rearranging.
The only thing left to be cleaned is the thing that needs it the most..... My kitchen. I am currently avoiding it like the plague...... In fact i wouldn't be surprised if there was some plague in there. My god is it gross.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I found a group therapy session for dealing with loss. Its free and is pretty close to my house. It goes from 2:30 - 4pm. so it wont interfere with work. So I really have no excusses for not going. lets see how this works out. Maybe I can regain normal functioning human statis once again.
I have come to the conclusion that I cant deal with this on my own. I think i need professional help. Its been over 3 months since you died and im still having all out break downs. I think its time to call in a grief councilor. I didnt want it to come to this, i wanted to handle this on my own. but i cant. I miss you. And i cant move on.
I think im more mad at my self for still being this fucked up about it. I know you would kick my ass for hurting this much and not being able to get past it. but im hurting and i need help.
I miss you and i love you.
I cant just push you out of my mind to go about my day to day any more. I cant not celebrate you and remember you. I need help.
I think im more mad at my self for still being this fucked up about it. I know you would kick my ass for hurting this much and not being able to get past it. but im hurting and i need help.
I miss you and i love you.
I cant just push you out of my mind to go about my day to day any more. I cant not celebrate you and remember you. I need help.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sigh... Why is it that only on the days i want to be up and mobile at a reasionable hour end up being the ones i fail miseriably on and sleep in way to late. Now im kinda achey and over slept and ..... sigh!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
50 first Dates
Im pretty much in love with this movie. I can (and do) watch it over and over again.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I roll 20's
I went to the Comic Shop yesterday and bought my self a set of shiny new polyhedral dice for playing DnD.
So i get home, open the box and dump them all on to the table...... and roll a 20.
If that isnt a good omen I dont know what is.
So i get home, open the box and dump them all on to the table...... and roll a 20.
If that isnt a good omen I dont know what is.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Wow. I am already starting to feel the effects of a Vancouver winter. Its been raining for a week now. And im already wanting it to stop.
What happened to the lovely city that I had fallen in love with right off the bat.
Also, whats happened to my life?
I used to do things. I used to have fun. I used to see friends. Now that i live down town and im not in school any more, i have become a hermit. I havent seen my friends from school in ages. I knew it would happen though. They are all caught up in there classes and im not part of the cool club any more.
Oh well... sigh....
Bitch bitch bitch.... whine whine whine right.
What happened to the lovely city that I had fallen in love with right off the bat.
Also, whats happened to my life?
I used to do things. I used to have fun. I used to see friends. Now that i live down town and im not in school any more, i have become a hermit. I havent seen my friends from school in ages. I knew it would happen though. They are all caught up in there classes and im not part of the cool club any more.
Oh well... sigh....
Bitch bitch bitch.... whine whine whine right.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
*Tumble weed rolls by*
Okay Okay so I have been avoiding the blog. There is not much new and awesome to report.
I have started to learn Japanese. Im pretty excited about this.
Adam and I have been hanging out a lot lately. Im only slightly getting sick of him. ;)
And for the record. No we are not dateing. No we are not sleeping together. We are honistly just friends. and its rad.
I have started to learn Japanese. Im pretty excited about this.
Adam and I have been hanging out a lot lately. Im only slightly getting sick of him. ;)
And for the record. No we are not dateing. No we are not sleeping together. We are honistly just friends. and its rad.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
So apparently i didn't take as many pictures as I thought i had. But here's another batch.

Me with the PocketNinja and his friend. Im pretty excited to play NinjaTown.

The 2 second sign I made for the in prompt to LRR screening at 1am.

The amazing Cosplayer in her Silent Hill costumes. There were very few cosplayers. I was honestly very upset.

The headbanging Vault boy puppets at the final round of the Omegathon.

They were pretty effin hilarious.
Wow.... I really thought i had taken more pics. lol
Me with the PocketNinja and his friend. Im pretty excited to play NinjaTown.
The 2 second sign I made for the in prompt to LRR screening at 1am.
The amazing Cosplayer in her Silent Hill costumes. There were very few cosplayers. I was honestly very upset.
The headbanging Vault boy puppets at the final round of the Omegathon.
They were pretty effin hilarious.
Wow.... I really thought i had taken more pics. lol
Holy Loading Times Batman!
Just kinda woke up. Still in Victoria.
So here is loadingtime #3. There is 1 more coming then i will write my official review.
Just kinda woke up. Still in Victoria.
So here is loadingtime #3. There is 1 more coming then i will write my official review.
Monday, September 1, 2008
More Loading Time
Soo... I am back in Canada. Victoria to be a little more specific.
I am way to tired to write now.... sooo
I am way to tired to write now.... sooo
Saturday, August 30, 2008
PAX Day 1
Today was very very busy. But in hindsight we didn't do a whole lot.
But first here are some more pictures of yesterday's adventures.
We ended up going to the Sci-Fi museum, which was fucking awesome IMO. But to get to the museum we had to ride... THE MONORAIL!!!

Me with my bff

Sign's on the bathroom door's
We also went to Fun Forest, which is right out side the Experience Music Project/Sci Museum. Which was a very small, very empty carnival.

So thats about it for yesterday. Here is the link for the Loading Time video for yesterday.
Today, like I pre mentioned felt very very long. We picked up our badges after breakfast but at 2:30am it feels like that was days ago. There was much line sitting today, as well as a lot of walking.
Im not really in a writing mood, so i will post pictures tomorrow of the actuall Con.
But first here are some more pictures of yesterday's adventures.
We ended up going to the Sci-Fi museum, which was fucking awesome IMO. But to get to the museum we had to ride... THE MONORAIL!!!
Me with my bff
Sign's on the bathroom door's
We also went to Fun Forest, which is right out side the Experience Music Project/Sci Museum. Which was a very small, very empty carnival.
So thats about it for yesterday. Here is the link for the Loading Time video for yesterday.
Today, like I pre mentioned felt very very long. We picked up our badges after breakfast but at 2:30am it feels like that was days ago. There was much line sitting today, as well as a lot of walking.
Im not really in a writing mood, so i will post pictures tomorrow of the actuall Con.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Any one want to live in my house from this Thursday until about Tuesday? I need a Kitty/Birdy/Fishy sitter
Saddly, sleeping for 13 hours after having only 2 hours sleep the night before is really really un satisfying.
Also only 3 more sleeps until my mommy is in town. And only 4 more sleeps until i leave for Victoria.... then.. PAX!!!! Hurray!!!!
Also only 3 more sleeps until my mommy is in town. And only 4 more sleeps until i leave for Victoria.... then.. PAX!!!! Hurray!!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Bad Kitty
Kitten discovered the kitchen counter today.
Then not 10 min later i found him hanging from the birdcage.
How do you discipline a kitten. Do you just yell and say no?
I have been saying no and picking him up and giving a time out in my arms. Not letting him go for a few min.
I dont know if its working. But I feel better.
Then not 10 min later i found him hanging from the birdcage.
How do you discipline a kitten. Do you just yell and say no?
I have been saying no and picking him up and giving a time out in my arms. Not letting him go for a few min.
I dont know if its working. But I feel better.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Little side point from that. I hate it when i say "oh yeah, I just got up" and its like 1pm and they are all like "Must be nice. I was up at 7 this morning." Well yes it does suck getting up at 7. But you also went to bed a lot earlier then then i did. When most people are sitting down to dinner, I would be going to work. I work 7:30pm-3 am. Come home. Take some time to unwind. Then head to bed at around 4 or 5ish. I still only get 8 hours ish of sleep. So when you go to bed at 5 is it still sleeping in or is it simply sleeping?
Feels Good
Yesterday was a really productive day for me. I went grocery shopping (with my brand new old lady shopping cart, No more carrying grocery's home for me suckers!) did a bunch of dishes, had a shower, washed the sticky crap out from inside one of my cupboards.... Now I know this all sounds like very day to day tasks for the average bear, but being on a completely nocturnal sleep schedule, its hard to get things done.
Today my apartment is really hot and humid. Bleck!
Today my apartment is really hot and humid. Bleck!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sniff tear
Im so proud!
My Kitty is a geek!
He has a bunch of cat toys and he just cant stop playing with my usb card reader!
my baby!!
My Kitty is a geek!
He has a bunch of cat toys and he just cant stop playing with my usb card reader!
my baby!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Cherisse is wondering if any one is reading this yet? It would be nice to know who is listening to my random babbling
Saturday, August 9, 2008
What the hell....
How does Blogger not offer a RSS feed.
You mean i have to go through and read all by blogspot friends one by one..
How does Blogger not offer a RSS feed.
You mean i have to go through and read all by blogspot friends one by one..
Love and Herpes
This was today's iGoogle Joke of the day
Q: What's the difference between love and herpes?
A: Herpes lasts forever.
Like wow google...... wow!
Q: What's the difference between love and herpes?
A: Herpes lasts forever.
Like wow google...... wow!
You know. Its really hard to watch streaming episodes of Greys Anatomy when my stolen internets keeps going down.
Okay im in a writing mood apparently. I guess im just lovin on the awesome tunes playing in my ear and the lovely cafe environ im relaxing in.
Tonight is my night with Andrew. We have been dieing for some time to just hang out and watch movies and cuddle. After all the emotion and drama we have been suffering it will be nice to just relax with my friend and not have shit to worry about.
I am listening to Sean's Florida Funk mix that he made for Ashley to listen to on the beach. But im discovering that its suteing for many other situations. Like today... its brightaning up my drizzly Vancouver day.
*Happy Sigh*
Thanks Sean :)
Tonight is my night with Andrew. We have been dieing for some time to just hang out and watch movies and cuddle. After all the emotion and drama we have been suffering it will be nice to just relax with my friend and not have shit to worry about.
I am listening to Sean's Florida Funk mix that he made for Ashley to listen to on the beach. But im discovering that its suteing for many other situations. Like today... its brightaning up my drizzly Vancouver day.
*Happy Sigh*
Thanks Sean :)
Caffe Rustico
Caffe Rustico is this little ittalian cafe around the corner from my house. I come here a few times a week. It was the first little cafe/hang out on Main street that I found when I moved into my new place.
I was hung over and it was the only place I saw with food that looked really yummy that wasnt fast food.
I came in and the owner Mario was here and greeted with a jubilent "Ah Cia Bella, How are you today?"
And he treated all his customers like that. One of the other people in the cafe when i was waiting for my food complimented him on the pizza he had made. And Mario replyed with "Ahh When you have the right ingredience it does it all on its own. Its not my doing"
Like wow! His energy is what has been bringing me back. (Or maybe its all the free espresso's Mario brings over if you sit here long enough).... that and the free wireless internets.
Hey look at that.... A real entry. Not some heartfelt, tear fulled entry about how i miss my best friend.... but a real honist to god entry about my boreing day to day like.... HOT DAMN!
Must Have
So this is that entry that every new blog must have.
That entry where you say "Okay i guess ill start a blog here, ill try and actully use and update it"
I have my purerave journal still but recently i just cant sit down to write in it. When i do all that comes out is thoughts about Sean. And i think i get to distracted by buddy list and gallery's on sites like that. I just need a place that I can go that is just mine that i can come and just pound some shit out.
So hopefully this will be good for me...... Hopefully.
That entry where you say "Okay i guess ill start a blog here, ill try and actully use and update it"
I have my purerave journal still but recently i just cant sit down to write in it. When i do all that comes out is thoughts about Sean. And i think i get to distracted by buddy list and gallery's on sites like that. I just need a place that I can go that is just mine that i can come and just pound some shit out.
So hopefully this will be good for me...... Hopefully.
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